Innovative Products

Arational Entertainment

Weaponized Chess

Weaponized Chess is everything that chess should have been but isn't.
WeaponizedChess is chess in three dimensions with weapons and stealth.
Weapons can be used to fight. Game pieces are not always visible to the opponent.
The game can be modified in many ways.

Good Color

Good Color uses color wheel theory to help you choose colors that "go well" with other colors.
Color theory is the well known and accepted way to choose matching colors.
Do you know exactly what colors you should use?
If you don't then this program can help you. It can even help you choose what color of clothes to buy.

Drawing Machine

Drawing Machine is an implementation of Durer's drawing machine that helps a non-artist draw pictures.
In turn, these pictures can be used to create any type of graphic, web, video, or gaming application.
Do you have to draw something but can't?
This program is an automated version of a 500 year old technique for helping people like you draw even if they aren't an artist and can't draw on their own.