Scenarios (pre-built saved start games) for Weaponized Chess

There are several saved games that can be loaded and played. Each of these saved games are essentially a scenario emphasizing the availability and use of certain types of pieces and of certain aspects of the game. Some scenarios emphasize airpower and have extra pieces that operate in the air level (jets and choppers). Other scenarios emphasize the sub(subterranean or submerged) level and have extra submarines. Still other scenarios emphasize stealth. The game has a full-featured board editor and you can build saved games like this yourself but as a convenience these scenarios are provided.

3 kings.king war:A Weaponized Chess game is won when a "king" type piece is destroyed or converted to the enemy side. Each side has 3 kings in this scenario. It is harder to protect 3 kings than it is to protect just 1.

3 queens.queen war:3 queens for each side. In regular chess you are forced to be protective of your queen because you only have 1 and its a big target. If you have 3 then you can use your queens more aggressively, capitalize on their power. So can your opponent.

4 AAA's with XXX's.spy war:The AAA pieces are inherently stealthy(if stealth is permitted in the game). The XXX article is a "bag" which lets your piece hold 2 articles in addition to the XXX article. Therefore, you have many hidden and potentially heavily armed invisible pieces.

4 clerics.cleric war:Clerics can convert an enemy piece to come over to your side and fight for you. A Cleric models the affect of political or religious persuasion on military results. Or you could consider the "conversion" affect to be psychological

4 destroyers.destroyer war:Destroyers are inherently equipped with a Torpedo Launcher. Extra destroyers means that warfare in the sub level will be limited. Destroyers can move 1 square in any direction so they are very maneuverable and can carry 1 article in addition to their built-in Torpedo Launcher.

4 dozers.dozer war:A Dozer can move 1 square in any direction at ground level. It allows a 2nd piece to exist in the same square it is in at ground level. It can drag along as part of it's movement the other piece in it's square AND any pieces one square away to one side in one direction AND any pieces one square away to one side in the other direction. When a Dozer uses this "drag along" ability that means that up to 6 pieces can move in one turn one square in any direction. This results in an ability in Weaponized Chess for more than one piece to change it's position during a turn. Have you ever wanted to move more than 1 piece during 1 turn in regular chess? Wanted to do that real, real bad? Now you can. But only in Weaponized Chess and not in regular chess. The extra Dozers in this scenario let you explore what it would be like to use this interesting ability to the max. Once again, you will be on the receiving end of this too because your opponent will also be Dozing.

4 jets.air superiority:A jet is fast. At air level it can move 2 squares in a turn. It has a built-in SAM rocket which can hit air targets and ground targets. More jets means you have more opportunities to conduct air strikes and be hit by air strikes.

4 jets 4 AAAs.jet war air defense: Aerial warfare is emphasized in this scenario. You have a greater ability to conduct air strikes and the AAAs give you a better ability to defend yourself against air attacks. Which will dominate: air attack or air defense? Let's see.

4 jets 4 destroyers.jet war anti-submarine warfare:Air attack is easier and stealthy sub level attacks are harder. The maneuverability of the destroyers increases maneuverable attack power at ground level.

4 jets 4 destroyers 4 AAAs.air war enhanced air sub defense:Increased opportunity for aerial warfare because there are more jets, more maneuverable weapons platforms at ground level which also are good at killing subs, and stealthy maneuverable anti-air weapons.

4 jets 4 subs.air and sub superiority:More fast moving aerial warfare and more slow stealthy submerged warfare. There is no bump-up of defenses in this scenario.

4 jets 4 subs 4 AAAs.air sub superiority with air defense:Increased fighting at air and sub level but with more available anti-air defense units.

4 jets 4 subs 4 AAAs 4 destroyers.all out war:Additional offensive and defensive units in both the air and subterranean levels.

4 jets 4 subs 4 destroyers.air sub war anti-sub warfare:Increased offensive ability at both the air and sub level. Increased anti-sub defenses.

4 jets with XXXs and stealth.battle of the invisible jets:Extra jets that have XXX bags that hold stealth articles. The jets are invisible to pieces which don't have an anti-stealth article.

4 pairs of choppers.superchoppers:Choppers allow another piece to share their square. They can also carry along that piece that's in their square at their level when they move. This piece that shares their square can be another chopper. When you pair 2 choppers together it can be thought of as a "superchopper". This is another way that more than 1 piece can change it's position during one turn. Whenever you use a piece that can transport another piece along with itself when it moves(Chopper, Sub, Dozer) to move 2 pieces you are in effect creating a conglomerate piece that has 2 component pieces. The AAA, Destroyer, and Jet pieces also allow a 2nd piece to share their square and level but can't transport another piece with them when then move. There can be 2 player pieces per level in a square for a total of 6 pieces in a square (not counting articles they carry). Each piece can carry up to 3 articles. There can be 2 articles lying on the ground in a square not being carried by any piece. A standard game starts with many unclaimed articles in the center of the board.

4 pairs of choppers with XXXs and stealth.battle of invisible superchoppers:This scenario ups the ante from the previous scenario. Now the superchoppers are stealthy and can be at either the ground level or the air level. Choppers have an inherent Stunner ability and can Stun an enemy piece at a great distance.

4 pairs of clericchoppers.clericchopper war:Extra choppers that are carrying around Clerics. A Cleric can convert a piece 1 square away if that enemy piece is not protected by an Anti-Conversion article.

4 pairs of clericchoppers with AAAs and stealth.battle of invisible clericchopper war:Extra choppers carrying Clerics and the clericchoppers are stealthy.

4 pairs of dozerchoppers.dozerchopper war:Now the extra choppers are carrying Dozers. Dozers are analogous to combat engineers, they move things. A dozerchopper can fly up a a group of friendly pieces and suddenly that whole group of pieces is moving en masse together.

4 pairs of jetchoppers.jetchopper war:The extra choppers are now carrying jets. This means more aerial warfare.

4 pairs of jetchoppers with AAAs and stealth.battle of invisible jetchoppers

4 pairs of jets,jet war:Jets also allow another piece to share their square. You can double them up, 2 to a level in a square. Jets can't carry other pieces.

4 pairs of jets with AAAs and stealth.battle of invisible paired jets:Stealthy pairs of jets

4 pairs of queenchoppers.queenchopper war:The choppers are now carrying a very powerful piece. Each queen is less important though because there are multiple queens.

4 pairs of queenchoppers with AAAs and stealth.battle of the invisible queenchoppers:Now the queenchoppers are hard (but not always impossible) to see.

4 pairs of subchoppers.subchopper war:Subs can carry a piece along with them. Therefore a subchopper at ground level can either submerge with the sub transporting the chopper OR the chopper can take to the air carrying it's companion submarine.

4 pairs of subchoppers with AAAs and stealth.subchopper war:Now the subchoppers have additional stealth (in addition to the stealth advantage they have when submerged).

4 pairs of tankchoppers.tankchopper war:The choppers are now carrying tanks. This allows the chopper to rapidly move to a location and drop off the tank.

4 pairs of tankchoppers with AAAs and stealth.tankchopper war:The tankchoppers are now stealthy.

4 subs.sub war:Additional emphasis on the sub level where everything is inherently unseen unless detected by a Torpedo Launcher. A Torpedo Launcher can fire a Torpedo AND detect submarine pieces.

4 subs 4 AAAs.sub war:Increased defenses at both the sub and air level. Presumably this will deemphasize overall activity at both the air and sub level.

4 subs 4 destroyers.sub war:An increased emphasis on the sub level.

4 subs 4 destroyers 4 AAAs.sub war anti-sub war:More offense at sub level and more defense applied to the air level.

4 tanks.tank war:Tanks are like rooks and can move many squares. They also have a short range Flamer attack. A Tank can move from one side of the board and destroy multiple pieces with it's Flamer.

a10 warthog air attack:Jets with Rocket Launchers. Rocket Launchers fire a Rocket at ground level. These jets are specialized at rushing forward and firing a Rocket at ground level.

airborne assault:Choppers carrying infantry. Think Vietnam with choppers acting as air cavalry to charge forward and drop infantry to engage at close range.

attack of the birdmen.whatever goes up must come down:Weaponized Chess has articles which allow pieces to move to another location at a specific level. A Bike (motorcycle) lets a piece move to another location at ground level. Once a transport article has been activated the piece using it will continue to move 1 square per turn until it reaches it's destination. This is another way that more than 1 piece can change it's position in a turn. Jump Packs allow a piece to move in the air level. Scuba allows a piece to move at the sub level. In this scenario several Jump Packs are distributed among your pieces. All such pieces can move in the air if they use their Jump Packs.

attack of the molemen:Pieces have Scuba too so they can move at the sub level if they choose.

biker gauntlet:Pieces have Bikes. They can move at ground level using their normal movement OR by using their Bikes.

double major pieces:An experiment where the number of each type of major piece is doubled. The board is more crowded.

double pawns:You have twice as many Pawns. Pawns in Weaponized Chess move diagonally. When they move forward a square they also move either to the right or to the left too (i.e. always forward +1 AND then either +1 or -1).

jets instead of destroyers:The Destroyers in the normal board setup have been replaced with jets. More aerial warfare and a weak defense against sub level intrustions.

massive spy versus spy.everyone invisible:All pieces are stealthy. Your only defense against stealth is your Stealth Pawn and Anti-Stealth articles. You only have 1 Stealth Pawn and there are only a limited number of Anti-Stealth articles.

subs carrying rocket launcher pawns:Multiple subs now carry rocket launcher pawns. It is difficult to avoid loosing pieces when there are a lot of Rockets flying around.

subs instead of AAAs:Your AAAs are gone and have been replaced with subs. Your air defense is weak. Am emphasis on stealthy, slow sub level combat.

twice the normal number of pieces:You have 2 times the number of pieces you had. A very crowded board.